C ++ OOPs (Object-Oriented Programming) Concepts

C ++ OOPs (Object-Oriented Programming) Concepts

OOPs (Object-Oriented Programming System) in C++ is a programming paradigm that revolves around the concept of objects.
OOPs in C++ allow you to define classes, create objects, and implement the core OOP concepts like Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism.

OOPs (Object Oriented Programming System)

  • Objects
  • Classes
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism


  • In OOP, an object is a self-contained unit that represents a real-world entity or concept.
  • These objects are created from classes, which define their structure and behavior.
  • In C++, you can create objects from classes using the following syntax:
1ClassName objectName; // Creates an object of the class ClassName


  • In C++, a class is a template for creating objects (instances).
  • Classes define the structure and behavior of objects that will be created based on that class.
  • In C++, the syntax for defining a class is as follows:
1class ClassName {
3    // Public members and methods go here.
6    // Private members and methods go here.
9    // Protected members and methods go here.
  • class: This keyword is used to declare the beginning of a class definition.
  • ClassName: Replace this with the desired name you want to give to your class.
  • It's common to use CamelCase notation for class names, such as MyClass or PersonDetails.
  • public, private, and protected: These are access specifiers that control the visibility and accessibility of class members (data members and member functions).
  • public: Members declared under the public section are accessible from outside the class.
  • private: Members declared under the private section are not accessible from outside the class.
  • protected: Members declared under the protected section are accessible within the class and its derived classes.
  • // Comments: These are comments that can be used to provide explanations or documentation for the class, its members, or methods.
  • A simple example of a class definition in C++
1#include <iostream>
2using namespace std;
4// Define a class called 'Person'
5class Person {
7    // Data members
8    string name;
9    int age;
11    // Member function to display person's information
12    void displayInfo() {
13        cout << "Name: " << name << endl;
14        cout << "Age: " << age << " years" << endl;
15    }
18int main() {
19    // Create an object of the 'Person' class
20    Person person1;
22    // Initialize object's members
23    person1.name = "Alice";
24    person1.age = 30;
26    // Access and display object's members 
27    person1.displayInfo();
29    return 0;


  • Abstraction is about simplifying things by focusing on what's important and ignoring the details that aren't crucial.
  • Abstraction helps us understand and work with complex things more easily.
  • Example: When you drive a four wheeler, you don't need to know how the engine works. You just use the brake, and steering wheel to control it.
  • We use functions and classes to abstract complex operations. For instance, a "calculate tax" function hides all the tax calculation details.


  • Encapsulation is like putting data and the code that works on it into a box, hiding the inner workings.
  • Encapsulation keeps data safe and organized, and it lets you control how data is accessed and modified.
  • Example: A vending machine encapsulates snacks inside. You can't directly grab snacks, you need to use buttons, and the machine handles the rest.


  • Inheritance is when a new class can inherit properties and behaviors from an existing class.
  • Inheritance lets you reuse code, create hierarchies, and build more specific things from more general ones.
  • Example: You have a "Vehicle" class. From that, you create subclasses like "Car" and "Bicycle." Both cars and bicycles have wheels, but cars have engines too.


  • Polymorphism means different things can respond to the same action in their way.
  • Polymorphism allows flexibility and simplifies code. You can treat different things in a similar way.
  • Example: You have a "Play" button on various devices—a TV, a phone, and a computer. Pressing "Play" does different things, but you use the same action.
These concepts are the building blocks of programming, helping you create organized, flexible, and understandable code that can do a wide range of tasks efficiently.

Why is C++ a partial OOP?

C++ is often referred to as a "partial" or "multi-paradigm" OOP language because it supports multiple programming paradigms, including both procedural and object-oriented programming.
Here are some reasons why C++ is considered "partial" OOP:
  • Legacy Support: C++ was developed as an extension of the C programming language, which is primarily procedural. As a result, C++ retained many of the procedural programming features from C.
  • Backward Compatibility: C++ values backward compatibility with C, which means that C code can be integrated seamlessly into C++ programs.
  • Hybrid Approach: C++ allows developers to mix both procedural and object-oriented programming styles within the same program.
  • This flexibility is useful when transitioning from a procedural codebase to an object-oriented one.

Advantages of OOPS

Code Reusability

  • The ability to reuse code is one of OOP's key benefits.
  • Once you've defined a class, you can create multiple objects from it, reducing the need to write repetitive code.
  • This promotes efficiency and minimizes errors.


  • OOP encourages the organization of code into modular components.
  • Each class represents a self-contained module, making it easier to manage and maintain the codebase.


  • Maintaining an OOP-based codebase is more straightforward because changes made to one class do not necessarily affect others.
  • This reduces the risk of unintended consequences when modifying code.