Memory Organization in Computer Organisation

Memory Organization in Computer Organisation

What is Memory?

Memory in computers refers to the electronic storage where data and instructions are temporarily held for processing by the central processing unit (CPU).

Memory Organization

Memory organization includes various types of memory such as
  • Main Memory
  • Auxiliary Memory
  • Associative Memory
  • Cache Memory
  • Virtual Memory

Main Memory

  • Main memory, also known as primary memory or RAM (Random Access Memory), is a critical component of a computer system that stores data and instructions that are actively being used by the CPU.
  • It is volatile, meaning its contents are lost when the computer is powered off.


  • In a computer, main memory may include DDR4 RAM modules.
  • When you open a document or run a program, the data is loaded into the main memory for quick access by the CPU.

Auxiliary Memory

  • Auxiliary memory, also referred to as secondary storage, is a non-volatile storage device used for long-term data storage.
  • It retains data even when the computer is turned off and is typically slower to access than the main memory.


  • Hard disk drives (HDDs) and solid-state drives (SSDs) are common examples of auxiliary memory.
  • Your documents, media files, and software are stored on auxiliary memory for long-term preservation.

Associative Memory

  • Associative memory is a type of fast and parallel memory that allows for rapid data retrieval based on content rather than specific addresses.
  • It is often used in specialized applications such as database management systems.


In a database system, associative memory can be used to quickly search for records based on keywords or specific attributes, without the need for complex indexing.

Cache Memory

  • Cache memory is a small, high-speed memory unit located between the CPU and main memory.
  • Its purpose is to store frequently used data and instructions to reduce the time it takes for the CPU to access them.


A web browser uses cache memory to store frequently accessed web pages, such as images and scripts, so that they load faster when revisiting a website.

Virtual Memory

  • Virtual memory is a memory management technique that allows a computer to use a portion of auxiliary memory (usually a hard drive or SSD) as an extension of the main memory when needed.
  • It enables running larger applications and managing more data than the physical RAM can handle.


When a computer runs multiple applications simultaneously, virtual memory is used to temporarily swap data in and out of auxiliary memory, ensuring the smooth operation of all running programs.


  • Main memory provides fast, volatile storage for active data, while auxiliary memory offers non-volatile, long-term storage.
  • Associative memory enables quick content-based retrieval,
  • cache memory speeds up data access, and virtual memory extends the capabilities of the main memory.