What is Web Application? | Types of Web Applications with examples

What is Web Application? | Types of Web Applications with examples

What is Web Application?

  • Web application is an application that runs on a web server and is accessed through a web browser over the internet.
  • Unlike traditional desktop applications, web applications do not need to be installed on individual devices.

Types of Web applications

There are several types of web applications such as
  • Static Web Applications
  • Dynamic Web Applications
  • Single-page Web Applications
  • Progressive Web Applications
  • E-commerce Web Applications
  • Social Web Applications
Static Web Applications simplest type of web applications and consist of static web pages that do not change in response to user interactions.
Dynamic Web Applications generate content on the fly in response to user requests. They often use server-side scripting languages like PHP and Python to interact with databases.

Single-Page Web Applications

  • Single-Page Web Applications load a single HTML page and dynamically update content as users interact with the application.
  • They use JavaScript frameworks like React.js to create a seamless and responsive user experience. Gmail and Facebook are examples of SPAs.

Progressive Web Applications

  • Progressive Web Applications aim to provide a native app-like experience in a web browser.
  • They can work offline, offer push notifications, and provide fast performance.

E-commerce Web Applications

  • E-commerce Web Applications facilitate online shopping and transactions.
  • They include features such as shopping carts and payment gateway. Examples include Amazon, eBay, and Shopify.

Social Web Applications

  • Social web applications allow users to create profiles, connect with others, and share content.
  • Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are prominent examples of social web apps.

Diff between Web application and Website

Interactivity and Functionality

  • Web Applications offer complex functionality, such as data processing or e-commerce transactions.
  • A website serves as an online platform for displaying information or content.
  • Web Applications require active user input and engagement.
  • Websites primarily provide information in a one-way manner.

Purpose and Complexity

  • Web Applications are designed to solve specific problems or provide particular services.
  • Websites are generally simpler in terms of purpose and functionality.

What is Client-Side Scripting?

  • Client-side scripting typically refers to scripting that is executed on the user's web browser, rather than on the web server. for example
  • When you visit a website, your web browser like Chrome displays the webpage for you to see and interact with.
  • Now, imagine that the webpage is like a plain document, and it needs some magic to make it more interesting and interactive. That's where client-side scripting comes into play.

What is Server-Side Scripting?

  • Server-side scripting refers to the process of requesting data from a computer known as a web server.
  • This server is a powerful machine that provides all the files and data required for the website.
  • Consider a situation where you want to view a webpage that displays personalized data, such as your username or password. Server-side scripting is helpful in this situation.

What are Web Servers?

Web servers are software application programs that serve as the foundation of the World Wide Web, responsible for hosting and delivering web content to users' web browsers.

Local Servers

  • Local servers, as the name suggests, refer to servers that are installed and run on a local machine.
  • They enable developers to create and test websites locally before deploying them to a live environment.

Benefits of Local Servers

Using local servers for web development offers several advantages:
  • Efficiency: Local servers provide a faster and more efficient development environment compared to uploading changes to a remote server after each modification.
  • Offline Access: With a local server, developers can work on their projects without requiring an internet connection.
  • Isolated Testing: Local servers enable developers to test their websites without affecting the live environment, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Remote Servers

  • While local servers are invaluable for development and testing purposes, remote servers are the key to making websites accessible to the world.
  • Remote servers are hosted in data centers and provide the necessary infrastructure to store and deliver web content to users.

Advantages of Remote Servers

Utilizing remote servers offers numerous benefits for web development and hosting:
  • Global Accessibility: Websites hosted on remote servers are accessible to anyone with an internet connection, enabling a worldwide reach.
  • Reliability and Redundancy: Data centers hosting remote servers typically have backup systems and redundant infrastructure, ensuring high availability and minimizing downtime.
  • Scalability: Remote servers can easily scale up resources to accommodate increasing website traffic, ensuring optimal performance even during peak periods.

WAMP Server

  • WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is a popular server stack used for local web development on Windows machines.
  • Download: Visit the official WAMP website and download the latest version of WAMP.

LAMP Server

LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is a widely used server stack for local web development on Linux operating systems. Follow these steps to install LAMP:
Update the System: Open a terminal and run the following command to update the system:
1sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
Install Apache: Enter the following command to install Apache:
1sudo apt install apache2
Install MySQL: Run the following command to install MySQL:
1sudo apt install mysql-server
Install PHP: Install PHP and the necessary dependencies with the following command:
1sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php php-mysql

XAMPP Server

  • XAMPP is a cross-platform server stack that supports Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • It includes Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Perl, making it a comprehensive solution for local web development. Here's how to install XAMPP:
  • Download: Visit the official XAMPP website and download the appropriate version for your operating system.

MAMP Server

  • MAMP (Mac, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is a server stack designed specifically for macOS.
  • It provides a straightforward installation process for local web development. Follow these steps to install MAMP:
  • Download: Visit the official MAMP website and download the latest version of MAMP.

Static Website Development

  • Static websites consist of pre-designed HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files that are delivered to users exactly as they are stored on the server.
  • These websites are suitable for content that doesn't require frequent updates or user interactions. For example Photography Portfolio

Dynamic Website Development

  • Dynamic websites, on the other hand, generate web pages on the fly, often pulling data from databases or external sources.
  • These websites allow for real-time interactions and frequently updated content. For example Social web apps, Amazon, etc.


Web application is an application that runs on a web server accessed via browsers. Types of web applications such which range from static (fixed content) to dynamic (real-time and interactive). Servers host websites, with local servers for development and remote servers for global access.