Depth-Buffer (Z-Buffer) Method in Computer Graphics

Depth-Buffer (Z-Buffer) Method in Computer Graphics

  • In computer graphics, the Depth-Buffer method, also known as the Z-buffer method, is a technique used for hidden surface removal.
  • The primary goal is to determine which surfaces of a 3D scene are visible and which are obscured by other objects.
  • This method plays a crucial role in rendering realistic images in computer-generated environments.

Z-Buffer Concept

  • The Depth-Buffer method operates based on the concept of depth information.
  • Each pixel in the frame buffer is associated with a depth value, representing its distance from the viewer.
  • The depth information is stored in a separate buffer, commonly referred to as the Z-buffer.

Z-Buffer Algorithm


  • we will create Two buffers buffer(x,y) and refresh (x,y).
  • In buffer(x,y) we will store the z value and In refresh(x,y) we will store the intensity of (x,y).


  • Now we let z which varies from 0 to 1.
  • In this 0 is the Back clipping plane and 1 is the Front Clipping plane.


  • Initialize both the buffer i.e. buffer (x,y) = 0
  • and refresh(x,y) = I background.
  • Now calculate the z-value for each position in the surface then
  • if z > buffer(x,y), buffer(x,y) = z, and refresh (x,y) = I Surface (x,y).


After processing all the surface we will get the visible surface in buffer(x,y) and intensity values in refresh (x,y).

Equation of a plane

1Ax + by + cz + d = 0 
So now we have to find the value of z from the above equation as follows:
1z = -Ax - By -D / C
After getting the z-value we now have to find the z' complement which is the next pixel from the z-value so there should be a change in x not in y as follows:
1z' = -A(x+1) -by -d /c 
2z' = -Ax - A - By - D / C
so in the above equation, we have -Ax -By -D common in the z equation so we can write this as z
1z' = -A(x+1) -by -d /c 
2z' = -Ax - A - By - D / C
3z' = z - A  / C

Advantages of Z-Buffer

  • Versatility: Handles complex scenes effectively with multiple overlapping objects.
  • Ease of Implementation: Simple implementation and widespread hardware support.

Disadvantages of Z-Buffer

  • Memory Consumption: Requires additional memory, especially in high-resolution scenes.
  • Precision Issues: Limited precision can lead to artifacts like z-fighting.


The Depth-Buffer method efficiently handles hidden surface removal by utilizing depth information.