What is an Operating System and Functions of Operating System

What is an Operating System and Functions of Operating System

What is an Operating System?

  • An operating system (OS) is a crucial software component that serves as the bridge between hardware and software in a computing system.
  • It plays a central role in managing resources, enabling user interaction, and ensuring the overall functionality of a computer or other devices.

Functions of an Operating System

  • Resource Management
  • Process Management
  • Memory Management
  • File System Management

1. Resource Management

  • The OS manages hardware resources, such as CPU (Central Processing Unit), memory, storage, and input/output devices, to ensure efficient and fair allocation.
  • For example, consider a scenario where multiple applications are running on a computer.
  • The OS allocates CPU time, memory, and input/output resources to each application, preventing them from interfering with one another.
  • This prevents resource conflicts and maximizes system performance.

2. Process Management

  • An OS handles processes, which are instances of running programs.
  • It controls the creation, scheduling, and termination of processes.
  • For instance, when you run a word processor, web browser, and media player on your computer, the OS manages these processes, allocating CPU time to each according to priority and user interactions.

3. Memory Management

  • Memory management involves tracking and optimizing the use of physical and virtual memory.
  • The OS ensures that each process gets access to the required memory and protects it from accessing the memory regions of other processes.
  • If you open multiple applications on your computer, the OS will allocate and manage memory for each application to run smoothly.

4. File System Management

  • The OS is responsible for managing files and directories on storage devices.
  • It ensures secure storage, retrieval, and organization of data.
  • When you save a document on your computer, the OS handles the storage location and retrieval when you need it.

5. Device Management

  • Operating systems interact with various hardware devices like keyboards, mice, monitors, and printers.
  • They provide device drivers and interface with these devices to enable communication between software and hardware.
  • For instance, when you press a key on your keyboard, the OS translates the input into a signal that a software application can understand.

6. User Interface

  • The user interface (UI) is the part of the OS that enables users to interact with the computer.
  • This includes graphical user interfaces (GUIs) like Windows, macOS, and Linux desktop environments.
  • These interfaces allow users to navigate files, run applications, and configure system settings easily.
  • Command-line interfaces (CLIs) are another type of UI, used by experienced users or system administrators to interact with the OS using text-based commands.

7. Security and Access Control

  • OSes provide mechanisms for securing the system and managing user access.
  • They authenticate users, control file and system permissions, and protect against unauthorized access and malicious software.
  • For example, when you set a password to log into your computer, the OS handles the authentication process.

8. Error Handling and Fault Tolerance

  • OSes detect and handle errors to prevent system crashes and data loss.
  • They use error codes and recovery mechanisms to keep the system running smoothly, even when hardware or software problems arise.

9. Networking

  • Modern OS supports network functionality, enabling devices to connect to the internet or local networks.
  • They manage network adapters, protocols, and firewall settings.
  • When you access a website on your computer, the OS manages the network connection and data transfer.


Operating systems are essential to the functioning of computers and devices.