Network Topologies in Computer Network

Network Topologies in Computer Network

What is Network Topology?

Network topology refers to how data travels within a network and how devices are linked together.

Types of Network Topology

  • Bus
  • Star
  • Ring
  • Mesh

Bus Topology

  • In Bus Topology, all devices are connected to a single central cable or "bus."
  • Data is sent along this cable, and each device reads the data.
  • for example - it's like a public bus system where every passenger can see and access the same stops.

Advantages of Bus Topology

  • Simplicity: Bus Topology is simple and cost-effective to set up, making it ideal for small networks. for example, Imagine a straightforward bus route with minimal stops.
  • Minimal Cabling: It requires less cabling compared to other topologies. This reduces cable clutter and cost, similar to having fewer roads in a small town.

Disadvantages of Bus Topology

  • Cable Susceptibility: If the central cable (bus) fails, the entire network can be disrupted. For example, Think of the bus route being blocked due to an accident; no one can travel.
  • Limited Scalability: Expanding the network with more devices can lead to performance issues and slower data transfer rates.

Star Topology

  • In a Star Topology, all devices are connected to a central hub, much like the spokes of a wheel.
  • This hub acts as a traffic controller, directing data between devices.

Advantages of Star Topology

  • Reliability: Star Topology offers high reliability. If one connection (device) fails, it doesn't affect the rest of the network. Imagine a hub like a traffic control center; if one road closes, other routes are available.
  • Easy Troubleshooting: Identifying issues is straightforward because it's easy to pinpoint the problematic device. It's similar to finding the source of a problem in a centralized control room.

Disadvantages of Star Topology

  • Hub Dependency: If the central hub or switch fails, the entire network becomes non-functional until the hub is repaired or replaced. This is like a city's traffic signals failing, causing gridlock.
  • Increased Cabling: Each device requires a direct connection to the central hub, which can result in more cabling and potential cost increases, like having many roads leading to a central traffic hub.

Ring Topology

  • In a Ring Topology, data travels in one direction around the ring. If you break the chain, you disrupt the network.
  • Example: Picture a circular chain where each device is connected to two others, forming a closed loop.

Advantages of Ring Topology

  • Efficient Data Flow: Ring Topology allows for efficient data transmission because data travels in one direction, preventing data collisions.
  • Reliability: Each device has an equal opportunity to send and receive data, promoting fairness and reliability. In a simple example, think of a circular discussion where everyone gets a turn to speak.

Disadvantages of Ring Topology

  • Ring Vulnerability: If one device or cable fails, the entire ring can be disrupted. For example, if one runner drops the baton in a relay race, the race can't continue.
  • Complex Adjustments: Adding or removing devices can be complex because it may require reconfiguring the entire ring. This is like needing to rebuild the entire circular race track when adding a new runner.

Mesh Topology

  • Imagine a web where every device is connected to every other device, This is Mesh Topology.
  • It's like having multiple paths to reach the same destination, ensuring data always finds its way.

Advantages of Mesh Topology

  • Redundancy: Mesh Topology offers high redundancy. If one path fails, alternatives are available. Think of it as having multiple routes to reach a destination, even if one road is closed.
  • Fault Tolerance: The network keeps running even with multiple failures, similar to a resilient highway system where traffic can be rerouted in case of accidents.

Disadvantages of Mesh Topology

  • Complex Wiring: Mesh requires many cables and connections, making it complex and costly to set up, much like building an intricate web of roads in a city.
  • Costly: Due to the numerous connections and cables, Mesh Topology can be expensive to implement and maintain, similar to the cost of constructing a vast network of highways.


Now that we've covered the basics of these four network topologies, you should have a clearer understanding of how data flows within different network configurations. Remember, each topology has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice depends on the specific needs of the network.