Transmission Modes in Computer Network

Transmission Modes in Computer Network

What is Transmission Mode?

Transmission mode refers to the way data is transmitted between two devices or systems in the computer network. There are three primary transmission modes:

Types of Transmission Modes in Computer Networks

  • Simplex Mode
  • Half Duplex Mode
  • Full Duplex Mode

Simplex Mode in Computer Networks

  • Simplex transmission is a one-way communication mode where data flows in only one direction, from the sender to the receiver.
  • The receiver can't send data back to the sender using the same communication channel.
Example: Television and radio broadcasting are examples of simplex transmission. TV stations transmit signals to viewers, but viewers can't send data back to the TV station using the same channel.


  • Simplicity: Simplex transmission is straightforward and easy to implement since it involves data flow in only one direction.
  • Unidirectional Control: In certain applications, having one-way control can be advantageous. For instance, in remote control devices, such as television remote controls, the user only sends commands to the TV and doesn't expect the TV to send commands back.


  • Limited Functionality: The receiver in simplex communication can't respond or provide feedback, limiting the range of applications. It's primarily suitable for scenarios where data flows in one direction only.

Half Duplex Mode

  • Half-duplex transmission is a two-way communication mode where data can flow in both directions but not simultaneously.
  • Devices take turns sending and receiving data.
Example: Walkie-talkies often use half-duplex communication. Users must press a button to transmit and release it to receive, allowing one person to talk at a time.


  • Efficient Use of Resources: Half duplex communication efficiently shares the communication channel, as devices alternate between sending and receiving, reducing the risk of data collisions.
  • Simplicity: It's simpler than full duplex communication and requires fewer resources.


  • Delays: Since devices take turns sending and receiving, there can be delays in communication, making it less suitable for real-time applications.
  • Lower Throughput: The alternating nature of half-duplex communication may result in lower overall data throughput compared to full duplex.

Full Duplex Mode

  • Full duplex transmission is a two-way communication mode where data can flow simultaneously in both directions.
  • Devices can send and receive data independently without waiting for their turn.
Example: Most wired and wireless internet connections use full duplex communication. You can simultaneously send and receive data over your home Wi-Fi network, enabling smooth internet browsing and video streaming.


  • High Throughput: Full duplex communication offers the highest data throughput since devices can send and receive data simultaneously.
  • Low Latency: It provides low latency, making it suitable for real-time applications like voice and video conferencing.


  • Complexity: Full duplex communication requires more advanced hardware and protocols compared to half duplex.
  • Higher Cost: Implementing full duplex communication can be more expensive due to the need for specialized equipment.


In summary, simplex, half-duplex, and full-duplex transmission modes offer varying degrees of bidirectional communication. Simplex is unidirectional, half duplex alternates between two-way communication, and full duplex allows simultaneous two-way communication.