Types of Logical Operators (Between , IN, etc) in SQL DBMS
Logical operators in SQL allow users to combine multiple conditions to form more complex query criteria.
Types of Logical Operators in DBMS
- IN
- OR
- To choose values from a range of values, use the BETWEEN operator.
- It retrieves records where a column's value is between two specified values (inclusive).
- For example: The BETWEEN operator is used to filter results within a specific range of values.
- It is commonly used in WHERE clauses to retrieve records with values falling between two specified endpoints.
- Syntax: The syntax is column_name BETWEEN value1 AND value2, where value1 and value2 define the range.
1SELECT column
2FROM table
3WHERE column BETWEEN value1 AND value2;
for example:
1SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE Salary BETWEEN 30000 AND 50000;
This query fetches employees whose salary is between $30,000 and $50,000.
b. IN
- The IN operator is used to match a value against a set of specified values.
- It retrieves records where a column's value matches any of the specified values. For example:
- The IN operator is used to match values against a list or set of specified values.
- It is useful for filtering records where a column's value matches any value in a given list.
- Syntax: The syntax is column_name IN (value1, value2, ...) to check if the column value is present in the specified list.
1SELECT column
2FROM table
3WHERE column IN (value1, value2, ...);
Example : This query fetches products belonging to the 'Electronics', 'Clothing', or 'Books' categories.
- The AND operator is used to combine multiple conditions, and it retrieves records that satisfy all the specified conditions. For example:
- The AND operator is employed to merge several conditions within a WHERE clause.
- Usage: It requires all conditions to be true for a record to be included in the result set.
- Syntax: The syntax is condition1 AND condition2 to check if both conditions are true.
1SELECT column
2FROM table
3WHERE condition1 AND condition2;
1SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Category = 'Electronics' AND Price < 1000;
- products from the "Products" table where the category is 'Electronics' AND the price is less than $1000.
- The AND operator ensures that both conditions (category and price) must be true for a product to be included in the result set.
d. OR
- The OR operator is used to combine multiple conditions, and it retrieves records that satisfy at least one of the specified conditions. For example:
- The OR operator is used to combine multiple conditions in a WHERE clause.
- It requires at least one condition to be true for a record to be included in the result set.
- syntax : condition1 OR condition2 to check if either condition1 or condition2 is true.
1SELECT column
2FROM table
3WHERE condition1 OR condition2;
1SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Category = 'Electronics' OR Price > 500;
This query fetches products that are either in the 'Electronics' category or have a price greater than $500.
e. NOT
- A condition is negated using the NOT operator.It retrieves records that do not satisfy the specified condition. For example:
- The NOT operator is used to negate a condition in a WHERE clause.
- It reverses the logic of a condition, returning records where the condition is false.
- Syntax: The syntax is NOT condition to check if the condition is not true.
1SELECT column
2FROM table
3WHERE NOT condition;
1SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE NOT Country = 'INDIA';
This query fetches customers who are not from the INDIA.
Handling Null Values in SQL
- In SQL, null values stand for missing or ambiguous data.
- Dealing with null values requires special consideration to ensure accurate and meaningful query results.
- Here are two common approaches for handling null values:
a. Disallowing Null Values
- One approach is to disallow null values in specific columns by defining them as "NOT NULL" during table creation.
- This ensures that those columns always contain valid data and avoids potential issues when querying or performing calculations.
b. Comparisons Using Null Values
- When comparing values that may include nulls, special care is needed.
- SQL uses the "IS NULL" and "IS NOT NULL" operators to check for null values explicitly.
For example:
1SELECT column
2FROM table
3WHERE column IS NULL;
Now we have basic understanding of Types of Logical Operators in SQL
- IN
- OR