Entity Relationships, E-R, specialization and generalization

Entity Relationships, E-R, specialization and generalization

What are Relationships and Relation Types ?

  • Relationships represent associations or connections between entities.
  • They describe the relationship between two or more entities.
  • Relation types define the nature of the relationship.

Relation Types

  • Some common relation types include:
  • One-to-One (1:1)
  • One-to-Many (1:N)
  • Many-to-Many (M: N)

One-to-One (1:1)

A single instance of one entity is associated with a single instance of another entity.

Direct Correspondence

  • Each record in one table has a corresponding record in another table, and vice versa, ensuring a one-to-one relationship between them.
  • Example: A person can have one passport, and each passport belongs to one person.

Shared Primary Key

  • One table's primary key is used as a foreign key in another table to establish the relationship.
  • Example: Using a person's unique ID as the primary key in the "Person" table and as a foreign key in the "Passport" table.

Data Integrity

  • Ensures data integrity and accuracy by linking related information between two tables.
  • Example: Ensuring that each passport record is associated with a valid person record through the shared key.

Efficient Storage

  • Reduces data redundancy and improves storage efficiency by separating related but distinct information into separate tables.
  • Example: Storing passport details separately from personal information to avoid duplicating data.

One-to-Many (1:N)

A single instance of one entity is associated with multiple instances of another entity.

Single Source, Multiple Targets

  • One record in the source table can be associated with multiple records in the target table.
  • Example: One customer can place multiple orders, but each order is linked to only one customer.

Foreign Key Constraint

  • The target table contains a foreign key that references the primary key of the source table to establish the relationship.
  • Example: The "Order" table has a foreign key column for "CustomerID" to link orders to specific customers.

Data Consistency

  • Ensures data consistency by maintaining referential integrity between related records in both tables.
  • Example: Preventing deletion of a customer record if it is associated with existing orders to maintain data integrity.

Commonly Used Relationship

  • Widely used in relational databases for modeling hierarchical or parent-child relationships between entities.
  • Example: Organizing products in categories where one category can have multiple products, but each product belongs to only one category.

Many-to-Many (M: N)

Multiple instances of one entity can be linked to multiple instances of another entity, establishing a many-to-many relationship between them.

Multiple Entities, Multiple Associations

  • Multiple records in one table can be associated with multiple records in another table, creating many possible connections.
  • Example: customers can place orders for multiple products, and each product can be ordered by multiple customers.

Join Table or Association Table

  • Requires a third table (join table or association table) to represent the relationship and store associations between entities.
  • Example: A "Student_Course" table with columns for student IDs and course IDs to track enrollments.

Complex Queries and Joins

  • Involves complex queries and joins to retrieve related data from both tables through the association table.
  • Example: Joining the "Student" table, "Student_Course" table, and "Course" table to fetch details of students enrolled in specific courses.

Flexibility in Modeling

  • Provides flexibility in modeling complex relationships where entities can have multiple connections across different tables.
  • Example: Modeling a social network where users can have connections (friendships) with multiple other users.

Data Redundancy Control

  • Helps in controlling data redundancy by avoiding repeating information and organizing associations efficiently.
  • Example: Storing only the necessary information in the association table to avoid duplicating student or course details.

Notation for ER Diagram

  • An ER diagram is a visual representation of the Entity-Relationship model.
  • It uses various symbols and notations to depict entities, relationships, attributes, and keys.
  • One commonly used notation is the Crow's Foot notation,
  • where entities are represented by rectangles, relationships by lines connecting the entities, and attributes inside the rectangles.

Weak Entities

  • A weak entity is one that cannot be identified only by its properties.
  • It relies on the presence of a connected entity known as the parent entity.
  • The weak entity's primary key includes the primary key of the owner entity, forming a composite key.
  • Weak entities are entities that do not have a primary key attribute of their own and rely on a related strong entity for identification.
  • Example: Consider a "Room" entity that depends on a "Building" entity for identification.
  • The "Room" entity's key includes the building's key along with a room number.

Enhanced E-R

  • Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) model extends the basic ER model by incorporating
  • additional features such as subclasses, inheritance, and specialization/generalization.
  • These features allow for more complex data modeling scenarios,
  • where entities can have specific subtypes and inherit attributes from higher-level entities.

Subtypes and Supertypes

Subtypes represent specialized entities derived from a general entity (supertype) based on specific characteristics or attributes.

Specialization and Generalization

Specialization defines subtypes with unique attributes, while generalization abstracts common attributes into a higher-level entity.

Relationship Types

Enhanced ER models support different relationship types like one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many relationships between entities that we have briefly discussed above.


  • The Enhanced ER model allows for more complex data modeling scenarios,
  • providing a richer representation of real-world data relationships and constraints.

What is Specialization?

  • Specialization is the process of defining subtypes of an entity based on specific characteristics or attributes.
  • Example: In a "Vehicle" entity, specialization can create subtypes like "Car,"
  • "Truck," and "Motorcycle" based on attributes such as "Number of Wheels" and "Fuel Type."
  • Specialization helps in organizing data by grouping similar entities together and defining unique properties for each subtype.
  • Subtypes inherit attributes and behaviors from the parent entity (superclass)
  • but may also have additional attributes specific to their subtype.
  • Specialization allows for more specific queries and operations tailored to each subtype, improving data management and analysis.

What is Generalization?

  • Generalization, on the other hand, is the reverse process,
  • where common attributes and relationships of multiple entities are generalized into a higher-level entity.
  • Example: Combining "Car," "Truck," and "Motorcycle" subtypes into a
  • generalized "Vehicle" entity based on shared attributes like "Manufacturer" and "Model."
  • Generalization reduces redundancy by representing shared attributes and relationships in a more abstract and generalized form.
  • Generalization creates an inheritance hierarchy where a generalized entity (superclass) shares common attributes and behaviors with its subtypes.


Now we have basic understanding of relationships, relation types such as one-to-one , many-to-many, one-to-many, weak entities, enhanced E-R, specialization and generalization in DBMS.