Integrity constraints , Aggregate & Comparison operators in DBMS

Integrity constraints , Aggregate & Comparison operators in DBMS

What are Constraints?

Constraints in database management systems (DBMS) are rules or conditions that are enforced on the data to maintain its integrity and ensure accurate and consistent information.

Integrity Constraints in SQL

  • Integrity constraints are rules defined on tables to ensure the accuracy, consistency, and validity of data.
  • They help maintain the integrity and quality of the database.
  • Here are some common integrity constraints:
  • Primary Key
  • Not NULL
  • Unique
  • Check
  • Referential Key

a. Primary Key

A primary key constraint ensures that each row in a table is uniquely identifiable.
1CREATE TABLE employees (
2  employee_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
3  name VARCHAR(50),
4  age INT

b. Not NULL

  • The not-null constraint ensures that null values cannot exist in a column.
  • It enforces the requirement for data presence in that column.
1CREATE TABLE customers (
2  customer_id INT,
3  name VARCHAR(50),
4  email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL

c. Unique

  • The unique constraint ensures that each value in a specified column or combination of columns is unique across the table.
  • It prevents duplicate values from being inserted.
1CREATE TABLE products (
2  product_id INT,
3  product_code VARCHAR(10) UNIQUE,
4  name VARCHAR(50)

d. Check

  • The check constraint lets users create specific rules that limit the values allowed to be added or changed in a column.
  • It ensures that the data satisfies specific conditions.
1CREATE TABLE students (
2  student_id INT,
3  name VARCHAR(50),
4  age INT CHECK (age >= 18)

e. Referential Key

  • The referential key (foreign key) constraint establishes a relationship between two tables based on a column's values.
  • It ensures data consistency and maintains referential integrity.
1CREATE TABLE customers (
2  customer_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
3  name VARCHAR(50)
7CREATE TABLE orders (
8  order_id INT,
9  order_date DATE,
10  customer_id INT,
11  FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customers(customer_id)

What are Nested Queries?

  • Nested queries, also known as subqueries, are queries within other queries.
  • They allow users to perform complex operations by nesting one query inside another.
  • The inner query is executed first, and its result is used as input for the outer query.
  • This powerful feature provides flexibility and enables users to retrieve data based on multiple conditions and criteria.

What are Correlated Nested Queries

  • Correlated nested queries are a special type of nested query where the inner query depends on the values from the outer query.
  • The inner query is executed for each row of the outer query, dynamically evaluating the condition based on the current row's values.
  • Correlated nested queries are useful when data retrieval requires information from both the outer and inner queries.

Set-Comparison Operators in SQL

  • Set-comparison operators in SQL are used to compare values within sets.
  • They help users perform operations like finding common elements, determining differences, or validating data against a set of values.
  • Here are some commonly used set-comparison operators:


  • A single result set is created by combining the result sets of two or more SELECT statements using the UNION operator.
  • It removes duplicate rows by default.
1SELECT column1
2FROM table1
4SELECT column1
5FROM table2;
for example:
1-- Create table for web developers
2CREATE TABLE Developers (
3    DeveloperID INT PRIMARY KEY,
4    Name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
5    Email VARCHAR(100) UNIQUE,
6    SkillID INT
9-- Insert sample data into Developers table
10INSERT INTO Developers (DeveloperID, Name, Email, SkillID) VALUES
11(1, 'Harjas Singh', '', 3),
12(2, 'Mahak Chugh', '', 4),
13(3, 'Jasraj Singh', '', 1);
15-- Create another table for developers
16CREATE TABLE OtherDevelopers (
17    DeveloperID INT PRIMARY KEY,
18    Name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
19    Email VARCHAR(100) UNIQUE,
20    SkillID INT
23-- Insert sample data into OtherDevelopers table
24INSERT INTO OtherDevelopers (DeveloperID, Name, Email, SkillID) VALUES
25(4, 'Sehaj Bindra', '', 2),
26(5, 'Japanjot Singh', '', 3);
28-- UNION query to combine data from both tables
29SELECT * FROM Developers
31SELECT * FROM OtherDevelopers;
  • In this example, we have two tables, Developers and OtherDevelopers, containing data about web developers.
  • The UNION query combines the data from both tables and retrieves distinct rows, removing duplicates.


  • The INTERSECT operator retrieves the common records from two or more SELECT statements.
  • It returns only the rows that exist in all the SELECT statements.
  • Syntax:
1SELECT column1
2FROM table1
4SELECT column1
5FROM table2;
for example:
1-- INTERSECT query to find common developers in both tables
2SELECT * FROM Developers
4SELECT * FROM OtherDevelopers;
In this example, the query finds the developers who exist in both the Developers and OtherDevelopers tables.


  • The EXCEPT operator retrieves the rows that exist in the first SELECT statement but not in subsequent SELECT statements.
  • It gives back the variation or discrepancy between the sets of results.
  • Syntax:
1SELECT column1
2FROM table1
4SELECT column1
5FROM table2;
for example:
1-- EXCEPT query to find developers only in the Developers table
2SELECT * FROM Developers
4SELECT * FROM OtherDevelopers;
In this example, the query finds the developers who are in the Developers table but not in the OtherDevelopers table.

Aggregate Operators

  • Aggregate operators in SQL allow users to perform calculations on groups of rows rather than individual rows.
  • They are used in conjunction with the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses.


  • The GROUP BY clause groups the rows based on specified columns, creating subsets of data.
  • Aggregate functions can then be applied to these groups to calculate summaries or perform calculations.
  • Let's assume we have a table called "orders" with columns "customer_id", "product", and "quantity".
  • We need to find out how many of each product each customer has ordered in total.
  • We can use the GROUP BY clause to group the rows by "customer_id" and
  • "product" and then apply the SUM aggregate function to calculate the total quantity.
1SELECT customer_id, product, SUM(quantity) AS total_quantity
2FROM orders
3GROUP BY customer_id, product;


  • In order to filter the grouped data based on specific conditions, the GROUP BY clause and the HAVING clause are used together.
  • It allows users to specify conditions for the aggregated data.
  • Using the previous example, let's say we want to retrieve only those customers who have ordered a total quantity greater than or equal to 100.
  • We can use the HAVING clause to filter the grouped data based on the aggregated result.
1SELECT customer_id, SUM(quantity) AS total_quantity
2FROM orders
3GROUP BY customer_id
4HAVING SUM(quantity) >= 100;
This query will retrieve the "customer_id" and the sum of "quantity" for each customer but only for those customers whose total quantity is greater than or equal to 100.


We explored integrity constraints, nested queries, correlated nested queries, set-comparison operators, and aggregate operators.