Classical Waterfall model | Software Engineering

Classical Waterfall model | Software Engineering

What is Waterfall Model in Software Engineering?

  • The Classical Waterfall Model, also known as the Traditional Waterfall Model, is a linear and sequential approach to the software development life cycle.
  • The Waterfall Model is one of the earliest and most straightforward methodologies used in software engineering.
  • The Waterfall model is a simple approach to SDLC where each step flows downwards like a waterfall.
  • In the Classical Waterfall Model, the software development process is divided into distinct phases, and each phase must be completed before moving on to the next. The phases are typically:

Phases of Classical Waterfall Model

  • Requirements Gathering and Analysis
  • System Design
  • Implementation
  • Testing
  • Deployment
  • Maintenance

Requirements Gathering and Analysis

  • In this initial phase, the project team gathers and documents all the requirements for the software product.
  • In this step, the project team talks to the people who want the software (like customers or users) to understand what they need the software to do.
  • The project team gathers all their requirements and creates a detailed list.

System Design

  • Once the requirements are fully understood, the system design phase begins.
  • We design the overall structure of the software and decide how different parts will work together.


  • In the implementation phase, developers write the actual code for the software based on the detailed design specifications.
  • This is where the software is built according to the design.
  • Developers write the code according to the design and turn the plans into a real working program.


  • After the code is complete, the software goes through a testing phase.
  • Different types of testing, including unit testing, integration testing, and system testing, are performed to ensure that the software functions as expected.


  • Once testing is successful, the software is deployed or released to the end-users or customers.


  • After deployment, the software enters the maintenance phase, where updates, bug fixes, and enhancements are made as needed throughout its lifecycle.
  • This step involves taking care of the software even after it's been deployed to ensure it continues to work well.

When to use SDLC Waterfall model?

The Waterfall model is best suited for software development projects when the following conditions or factors are present:
  • Well-Defined Requirements: When the project requirements are clear, stable, and unlikely to change significantly during development.
  • Low-Risk Tolerance: In situations where the project stakeholders have a low tolerance for risk and prefer a predictable approach.
  • Small to Medium-sized Projects: It works well for relatively small to medium-sized projects with manageable complexity.
  • Strict Regulatory Compliance: In industries where strict regulatory compliance is essential, such as healthcare or finance, Waterfall's documentation-heavy approach can be advantageous.
  • Projects with Fixed Scope: When the project scope is well-defined and not expected to change significantly over time.
The waterfall model may not be suitable for projects where requirements are uncertain and where there's a need for frequent customer feedback.
In such cases, Agile methodologies the choice of development methodology should align with the specific needs of the project.

Why use Waterfall model?

The Waterfall model is used for several reasons in software development:
  • Clear Requirements: When project requirements are well-defined, stable, and unlikely to change significantly during development.
  • Predictability: It offers a predictable and structured approach to software development, making it easier to plan, schedule, and budget projects.
  • Documentation: Waterfall places a strong emphasis on documentation at each stage, which can be valuable for maintaining a clear project history.

Advantages of Waterfall Model

  • Structured Approach: Provides a systematic and well-defined approach to software development.
  • Clear Deliverables: Well-documented requirements and design specifications lead to clear deliverables.
  • Client Involvement: Client expectations are set early, reducing the likelihood of scope changes.

Disadvantages of Waterfall Model

  • Rigidity: Limited adaptability to changing requirements or customer feedback.
  • Longer Time to Deliver: This can be time-consuming, especially for large projects.
  • Risk of Customer Dissatisfaction: Clients may not see the product until the late stages, increasing the risk of misalignment with expectations.


The Waterfall Model is a structured and sequential approach to software development, best suited for projects with well-defined requirements and low tolerance for change.