Requirement Analysis | Software Engineering

Requirement Analysis | Software Engineering

What is Software Requirement Analysis?

  • Software Requirement Analysis in Software Engineering is a critical phase in the software development process.
  • Software Requirement Analysis is an in-depth examination of project requirements to understand and analyze what a software system needs to achieve.

Activities Involved in Software Requirement Analysis

  • Understanding Stakeholder Needs: Requirement analysts work closely with stakeholders, such as clients to comprehend their needs.
  • Requirements Elicitation: Requirement Analysis often begins with Requirement Elicitation, where various techniques, like interviews, and FAST are used to collect information about the project's functional and non-functional requirements.
  • Documentation: Analysts document the gathered requirements in a clear and organized manner.
  • Validation and Verification: Validation involves confirming that the requirements accurate while verification ensures that they are consistent and meet quality standards.

Software Requirement Analysis Using Diagrams

  • DFD (Data Flow Diagrams)
  • Use-Case Diagrams
  • Sequence Diagrams
  • Class Diagrams
  • ERD (Entity-Relationship Diagrams)

DFD (Data Flow Diagrams)

  • Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) are graphical representations that showcase the flow of data within a system.
  • In a DFD, there are four main components: processes, data stores, data flows, and external entities.
  • For example, let's consider a simple library management system.
  • In this case, the external entities would be users (students and librarians), and the processes would include tasks like borrowing books, returning books, and searching for books.
  • Data flows represent the information exchanged between these entities and processes, such as user details, and book information.
  • Data stores would represent the database where all the book-related information is stored.

Use-Case Diagrams

  • Use-case diagrams provide a high-level view of the interactions between the system and its actors (users or other systems).
  • These diagrams help in identifying the functionalities that the system should provide to its users.
  • Continuing with the library management system example, the actors would be students and librarians.
  • The use cases would be borrowing books and returning books. These use cases demonstrate the various functionalities required from the system's perspective.

Sequence Diagrams

  • Sequence diagrams illustrate the flow of interactions between different components or objects within the system over a specific time period.
  • They demonstrate how objects collaborate to accomplish a particular task.
  • For instance, consider the scenario of a user borrowing a book from the library management system.
  • The sequence diagram would show the steps involved, like the user logging in, searching for a book, selecting it, and then successfully borrowing it.

Class Diagrams

  • Class diagrams represent the static structure of the system, showcasing the classes, attributes, and methods involved.
  • A class is a blueprint for creating objects with similar characteristics.
  • Attributes are the properties of the class, and methods are the actions it can perform.
  • Let's continue with the library management system example.
  • We would identify classes like Book, User, Library, and Transaction.
  • Attributes for the Book class could be title, author, and ISBN.
  • For the User class, attributes might include name, address, and contact information.
  • Methods would define actions such as searching for a book and returning a book.

ERD (Entity-Relationship Diagrams)

  • ERDs (Entity-relationship diagrams) are used to model the database of a software system.
  • They illustrate the relationships between entities and their attributes.
  • For the library management system, entities would include Book, User, and Transaction.
  • The relationships between these entities would be represented, such as "User borrows Book" and "Transaction associates User and Book."
  • Attributes for each entity would also be listed, like "BookID," "UserName," etc.


Software Requirement Analysis is a vital phase in software development, involving understanding stakeholder needs and Requirement Elicitation. Software Requirement Analysis often utilizes diagrams like DFDs, Use-Case Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Class Diagrams, and ERDs to enhance clarity and communication throughout the process.