Harmony and Role of Values in Family, Society, and Human Relations

Harmony and Role of Values in Family, Society, and Human Relations

What do you mean by Harmony?

Harmony is a state of peaceful coexistence and balance, where individuals work together without conflicts, creating a unified and positive environment.

Understanding Harmony in the Family

  • The family is the primary building block of human society.
  • It consists of parents, children, and sometimes extended family members, all living together and sharing their lives.
  • Harmony in the family refers to the peaceful coexistence and positive interactions among its members.
  • This harmony is essential for a happy and healthy family life. It's like the foundation of a house, providing stability and support for the structure.

Understanding Values in Human-Human Relationships

  • Values are the beliefs, principles, and ethics that guide our actions and interactions with others. In family relationships, values play a crucial role.
  • For example, the value of love fosters care and affection among family members.
  • Respect as a value ensures that each member's opinions and boundaries are acknowledged.
  • When all family members share common values and respect one another, it creates a harmonious environment.

Understanding Harmony in Society-Human Relations

  • Society is made up of families, communities, and individuals who coexist within a shared space.
  • Harmony in society-human relations refers to the peaceful coexistence and cooperation among different groups and individuals.
  • It's like the smooth functioning of a complex machine, where every part plays a vital role without friction.

Interconnectedness and Mutual Fulfillment

  • Imagine a society as a puzzle where each piece represents a different community or group of people. When these pieces fit together seamlessly, the picture is complete, and society thrives.
  • This interconnectedness shows that the well-being of one group can affect the well-being of others.
  • For example, if one community has access to quality education and healthcare, it benefits the entire society as a whole.

Coexistence in Nature

  • Nature itself demonstrates the concept of coexistence and harmony.
  • In a forest, various species of plants and animals live together, each playing a unique role.
  • The plants provide oxygen, shelter, and food for animals, while animals help in pollination and seed dispersal. This balance ensures the ecosystem's health and survival.

Holistic Perception of Harmony at All Levels of Existence

  • A holistic perception of harmony means looking at harmony in a broader sense, not just within families or communities but in society as a whole.

Universal Harmonious Order in Society

  • This concept envisions a society where every individual and community coexists peacefully and works together for the greater good.
  • It's like a symphony where every instrument plays a distinct part, contributing to the overall harmony of the composition.
  • In this society, diversity is celebrated, and every person's unique qualities are valued.

Visualizing a Universal Harmonious Order in Society

Undivided Society (Akhand Samaj)

  • An undivided society, or "Akhand Samaj," is a society where there are no divisions or conflicts based on race, religion, gender, or other factors.
  • In an Akhand Samaj, people recognize the common humanity that unites them and respect each other's differences.

Universal Order (Sarvabhaum Vyawastha)

  • The concept of a "Sarvabhaum Vyawastha" means a universal order where values like justice, equality, and empathy guide social systems and policies.
  • For instance, a society with a Sarvabhaum Vyawastha ensures that every person has equal access to opportunities and resources, regardless of background.

From Family to World Family

The vision of harmony extends from individual families to encompass the entire world. It's like viewing a global map where every country is like a member of one big family.


In summary, harmony in family, society, and human relations is rooted in shared values and a deep understanding of our interconnectedness.
When we recognize the importance of these values and work towards a universal harmonious order, we can create a world where every individual and community coexist peacefully, promoting the well-being of all.