Software engineering 2023 Previous Year Solved | GGSIPU

Q.1 (A) What are the characteristics of software

  • Intangibility: Software is not a physical entity; it cannot be touched or seen, but it can be experienced through its functionality and performance.
  • Complexity: Software systems can be highly complex,
  • consisting of numerous interrelated components and modules that interact with each other in intricate ways.
  • Scalability: Well-designed software should be scalable, capable of
  • handling increased workload and accommodating growth in terms of users, data, or functionality.
  • Maintainability: Software should be designed and developed in a way that facilitates easy maintenance, including bug fixes, updates, and enhancements.
  • Flexibility: Software should be adaptable to changing requirements,
  • allowing for modifications and extensions without requiring extensive rework or causing disruptions to existing functionality.

(B) What is software re-engineering?

  • Software re-engineering is the process of modifying and restructuring existing
  • software systems to improve their performance, maintainability, scalability, and overall quality. It involves the following steps:
  • Reverse Engineering: Analyzing the existing software system to understand its structure, design, and functionality.
  • Restructuring: Modifying the software's structure and architecture to improve its organization, modularity, and maintainability.
  • Code Transformation: Optimizing and refactoring the codebase to enhance its efficiency, readability, and adherence to coding best practices.
  • Documentation: Updating or creating comprehensive documentation to facilitate understanding and future maintenance of the re-engineered software.
  • Testing: Thorough testing of the re-engineered software to ensure its functionality, performance, and compatibility with existing systems.
  • Deployment: Deploying the re-engineered software into the production environment and monitoring its performance and stability.

(C) Write short notes on DFD and ER diagrams.

Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs)
  • DFDs are graphical representations of how data flows through a system.
  • They consist of four main elements: processes, data stores, external entities, and data flows.
  • DFDs help in understanding the system's functionality, identifying data inputs and outputs, and visualizing the flow of information.
  • They are commonly used in structured systems analysis and design to model the logical flow of data within a system.
Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagrams
  • ER diagrams are used to model the data structure and relationships in a database system.
  • Entities represent real-world objects or concepts, while attributes describe the properties or characteristics of entities.
  • Relationships depict the associations or connections between entities.
  • ER diagrams help in conceptual database design, providing a clear representation of the data model and its constraints.

(D) What is software review and software inspection?

  • Software Review: A software review is a systematic examination of a software product or its associated documents to assess its quality, identify defects, etc.
  • It involves a team of reviewers evaluating the software artifacts and providing feedback for improvement.
  • Objectives: The main objectives of a software review are to find and remove defects early in the development process,
  • improve the overall quality of the software, and ensure that it meets the specified requirements and standards.
  • Types: There are different types of software reviews, including code reviews, design reviews, requirements reviews,
  • and test plan reviews, each focusing on specific aspects of the software development process.
  • Software Inspection: Software inspection is a formal, structured process of examining software artifacts to detect and remove defects.
  • It follows a well-defined procedure and involves a team of inspectors with clearly defined roles and responsibilities.
  • Inspection Process: The inspection process typically includes planning, overview, individual preparation,
  • inspection meeting, rework, and follow-up stages. Each stage has specific activities and deliverables.

(E) What is the difference between validation and verification?

  • Validation is the process of evaluating a software system or component to
  • determine whether it satisfies the specified requirements and meets the user's actual needs.
  • Validation activities may include requirement reviews, user acceptance testing, beta testing, and stakeholder feedback analysis.
  • The goal of validation is to ensure that the software being developed aligns with the user's expectations and business objectives.
  • Example: A banking application undergoes user acceptance testing where real
  • users interact with the system to ensure that it meets their banking needs, such as account management, money transfers, and bill payments.
  • Verification is the process of evaluating a software system or component to
  • determine whether it meets the specified design specifications and requirements.
  • Verification activities may include code reviews, unit testing, integration testing, and static code analysis.
  • The goal of verification is to identify and fix defects, errors, and inconsistencies in the software implementation.
  • Example: During the development of a mobile application, unit tests are written to verify that individual functions and modules are working correctly, etc.


Q.2 (A) What do you mean by requirements elicitation? Discuss in brief different requirement elicitation techniques.

  • Requirements elicitation, also known as requirements gathering, is the process of identifying, capturing, and documenting the needs, expectations,
  • and constraints of stakeholders for a software system or product. It involves actively collaborating with stakeholders,
  • including users, customers, domain experts, and other relevant parties


  • Conducted one-on-one or in small groups with stakeholders.
  • Allows for in-depth exploration of requirements and understanding of user perspectives.
  • Provides an opportunity for clarification and follow-up questions.
  • Suitable for gathering detailed and specific requirements.

Questionnaires and Surveys

  • Consists of predefined questions or prompts to elicit responses.
  • Useful for gathering general information, preferences, and opinions.
  • Provides quantitative data that can be analyzed and summarized.

Focus Groups

  • Involves bringing together a group of stakeholders to discuss and explore requirements.
  • Facilitates open discussions, brainstorming, and idea generation.
  • Allows for different perspectives and viewpoints to be shared and debated.
  • Helps in identifying common themes, concerns, and priorities.


  • Involves observing users or stakeholders in their natural work environment.
  • Helps in understanding how users interact with existing systems or perform tasks.
  • Provides insights into user behavior, workflows, and challenges.
  • Useful for identifying usability issues and gathering contextual requirements.

Document Analysis

  • Involves reviewing and analyzing existing documents, such as business processes, user manuals, and system specifications.
  • Helps in understanding the current state of the system or domain.
  • Provides background information and context for requirements elicitation.
  • Useful for identifying gaps, inconsistencies, and areas for improvement.

Q.3 (A) Draw and label well described Use Case Diagram and Level 1 DFD for hotel management system. Make assumptions as required.


Q.3 (B) What is SRS? Describe the nature and characteristics of SRS. Why is it important?

  • A Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is a comprehensive document that outlines the detailed requirements for a software system or product.
  • It serves as a formal agreement between the development team
  • and the stakeholders, defining what the software should do, how it should behave, and what constraints it should adhere to.
B. Nature and Characteristics of SRS
Clarity and Unambiguity
  • The SRS should be written in clear, concise, and unambiguous language.
  • Requirements should be stated precisely, avoiding vague or subjective terms.
  • Each requirement should be easily understandable by all stakeholders.
  • The SRS should cover all the necessary requirements for the software system.
  • It should include functional requirements, non-functional requirements, constraints, and assumptions.
  • No essential requirements should be missing or left unspecified.
  • The requirements in the SRS should be consistent with each other.
  • There should be no contradictions or conflicts between requirements
  • Consistency ensures that the system can be developed and implemented without ambiguity.
  • Each requirement in the SRS should be uniquely identifiable and traceable.
  • Traceability allows for tracking the implementation and testing of each requirement.
  • It helps in managing changes and ensuring that all requirements are addressed.
  • The requirements in the SRS should be verifiable and testable.
  • It should be possible to determine whether a requirement has been met through testing or other verification methods.
  • Verifiable requirements enable effective quality assurance and acceptance testing.
Importance of SRS
Defines Project Scope
  • The SRS clearly defines the boundaries and scope of the software project.
  • It helps in preventing scope creep and ensures that all stakeholders have a shared understanding of what the system will and will not do.
Facilitates Communication
  • The SRS serves as a communication bridge between stakeholders, including clients, users, developers, and testers.
  • It provides a common language and reference point for discussions and decision-making.


Q.4 (A) Explain Halstead Software Science metrics?

1. Program Length (N)

  • This metric represents the total number of tokens (operators and operands) in the program. It is denoted by NN.
  • The tokens can include operators (e.g., arithmetic operators, logical operators) and operands (e.g., variables, constants).

2. Program Vocabulary (n)

Program Vocabulary is the count of unique tokens (distinct operators and operands) used in the program. It is denoted by nn.

3. Program Length (N1)

This metric represents the total number of distinct operators in the program. It is denoted by N1N1​.

4. Program Length (N2)

  • This metric represents the total number of distinct operands in the program. It is denoted by N2N2​.
  • From these basic metrics, Halstead defined the following derived metrics

5. Volume (V)

  • The volume is a measure of the size of the program and is calculated using the formula:
  • V=N∗log⁡2(n)V=N∗log2​(n)
  • It reflects the total information content of the program.

6. Difficulty (D)

  • Difficulty is a measure of how hard it is to understand the program logic. It is calculated using the formula:
  • D=N12∗N2n2D=2N1​∗n2​N2​

7. Effort (E)

  • Effort represents the amount of mental effort required to understand and develop the software. It is calculated using the formula:
  • E=D∗VE=D∗V

8. Time (T)

  • Time represents the estimated time required to develop the software. It is calculated using the formula:
  • T=E18T=18E
  • Here, 18 is a constant derived from empirical studies.

9. Number of Delivered Bugs (B)

  • It estimates the number of bugs present in the software after development and is calculated using the formula:
  • B=V3000B=3000V​
  • Here, 3000 is a constant derived from empirical studies.

Q.4 (B) Compute the function point value for a project with the following domain

1Number of user inputs	=	32
3Number of user outputs	=	60
5Number of user inquires	=	24
7Number of files	=	08
9Number of external interfaces	=	2
11Assign Complexity Weights:
13Number of user inputs (UFP): 32 * 4 = 128
15Number of user outputs (UFP): 60 * 5 = 300
17Number of user inquiries (UFP): 24 * 4 = 96
19Number of files (UFP): 8 * 10 = 80
21Number of external interfaces (UFP): 2 * 7 = 14
23Calculate Unadjusted Function Points (UFP):UFP = 128 + 300 + 96 + 80 + 14 = 618
  • Adjust the Unadjusted Function Points:Adjustments are made based on factors such as complexity, performance, and other project-specific attributes.
  • For simplicity, let's assume no adjustment is needed in this case.Adjusted Unadjusted Function Points (AFP) = UFP = 618
Compute Function Point Value:Function Point Value = AFP * Constant Value
Let's assume the constant value is 0.65 (this can vary depending on the organization's standards and historical data):
Function Point Value = 618 * 0.65 = 401.7 (approx. 402)

Q.5 (A) For a program with the number of unique operator’s n1=40 and number of unique operands n2=60, n1=16 and n2=21 compare the followings:

1Let's calculate these metrics for both sets of values:
2For n1 = 40, n2 = 60:
31.Program Volume: V=(40+60)×log⁡2(40+60)=100×log⁡2(100)≈337.55V=(40+60)×log2​(40+60)=100×log2​(100)≈337.55
42.Potential Volume: V∗=(2×60)×log⁡2(2×60)=120×log⁡2(120)≈400.87V∗=(2×60)×log2​(2×60)=120×log2​(120)≈400.87
53.Program Level: L=260×40100=4150.267L=602​×10040​=154​≈0.267
64.Program Difficulty: D=402×10060=33.33D=240​×60100​=33.33
75.Effort: E=33.33×337.5511251.32E=33.33×337.5511251.32
86.Time: T=11251.3218625.07T=1811251.32​≈625.07
1For n1 = 16, n2 = 21:
21.Program Volume: V=(16+21)×log⁡2(16+21)=37×log⁡2(37)≈126.23V=(16+21)×log2​(16+21)=37×log2​(37)≈126.23
32.Potential Volume: V∗=(2×21)×log⁡2(2×21)=42×log⁡2(42)≈140.19V∗=(2×21)×log2​(2×21)=42×log2​(42)≈140.19
43.Program Level: L=221×16100=81050.076L=212​×10016​=1058​≈0.076
54.Program Difficulty: D=162×1002138.10D=216​×21100​≈38.10
65.Effort: E=38.10×126.234809.29E=38.10×126.234809.29
76.Time: T=4809.2918267.18T=184809.29​≈267.18
Q.5 (B) Explain different models of COCOMO Model.
  • The COCOMO (Constructive Cost Model) is a well-known software cost estimation model developed by Barry Boehm.
  • It helps in estimating the effort, time, and cost required to develop a software project. COCOMO has evolved over time, resulting in different models to suit various project types and complexities. Here are the main models:

1. Basic COCOMO (Composite Cost Model)

  • Basic COCOMO is the simplest version and is primarily used for early project estimates when only limited information about the project is available.
  • It estimates effort as a function of program size and a set of cost drivers.
  • It provides an estimation equation of the form: Effort=a×(KLOC)bEffort=a×(KLOC)b, where KLOC is the estimated size of the software in thousands of lines of code, and 'a' and 'b' are constants derived from historical data.
  • Basic COCOMO does not consider detailed factors such as personnel experience, project complexity, or development environment.

2. Intermediate COCOMO

  • Intermediate COCOMO extends Basic COCOMO by incorporating additional cost drivers to account for project-specific attributes.
  • It introduces 15 cost drivers categorized into product, platform, personnel, and project attributes.
  • Intermediate COCOMO provides a more accurate estimation by considering factors like development flexibility, required reliability, complexity, etc.

3. Detailed COCOMO

  • Detailed COCOMO is the most comprehensive version of the model, providing a highly detailed estimation process.
  • It considers a broader set of cost drivers (about 60) compared to Intermediate COCOMO.
  • Detailed COCOMO provides separate scales for each cost driver, allowing for a for a more fine-grained estimation based on specific project characteristics.
  • This model requires extensive data collection and analysis, making it suitable for large and complex projects where accuracy is crucial.


Q.6 (A) Explain different types of coupling

  • In software engineering, coupling describes the level of interdependence between modules or components within a system.
  • There are several types of coupling, each indicating a different level of dependency between modules. Here are some common types of coupling:

1. Content Coupling

  • This is considered the strongest form of coupling and is often indicative of poor design
  • because it tightly couples modules together, making them highly dependent on each other's implementation details.

2. Common Coupling

  • Common coupling exists when multiple modules share the same global data.
  • Changes to the shared data can impact multiple modules, leading to unintended side effects and potentially making the system more difficult to understand and maintain.

3. Control Coupling

  • Control coupling occurs when one module passes control information (e.g., flags or status variables) to another module.
  • This type of coupling can lead to dependencies between modules based on the control flow of the program, making the system harder to understand and debug.

4. Stamp Coupling

  • Stamp coupling happens when modules share a composite data structure and only use a subset of the structure's elements.
  • This can lead to unnecessary dependencies between modules and may result in inefficient or unclear code.

5. Data Coupling

  • Data coupling is the most desirable type of coupling. It occurs when modules communicate by passing data through parameters or return values.
  • In this type of coupling, modules are independent of each other's internal implementation and only interact through well-defined interfaces, making the system more modular, flexible, and easier to maintain.

6. Message Coupling

  • Message coupling happens when modules communicate by sending messages to each other, typically through message passing mechanisms like message queues or event handlers.
  • This type of coupling is similar to data coupling but emphasizes communication through messages rather than direct data exchange.

Q.6 (B) Explain software quality assurance and its activities.

Quality Planning

  • Quality planning involves establishing the quality objectives, processes, and standards that will be used throughout the software development life cycle.
  • It includes defining quality metrics, setting quality goals, and developing plans to achieve those goals.

2. Quality Assurance Process Adherence

  • SQA ensures that the defined processes and standards are followed consistently throughout the software development life cycle.
  • This involves monitoring and auditing development activities to verify compliance with established processes and standards.

3. Reviews and Audits

  • Reviews and audits are conducted to assess the quality of software products and processes.
  • Reviews involve examining software artifacts (e.g., requirements documents, etc) to identify defects and inconsistencies.
  • Audits involve evaluating adherence to defined processes and standards,
  • both internally within the organization and externally with respect to industry standards and regulations.

4. Testing

  • Testing is a crucial aspect of SQA and involves executing software to uncover defects and verify that it meets specified requirements.
  • SQA encompasses various types of testing, including unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing.

5. Configuration Management

  • Configuration management involves managing changes to software products and ensuring the integrity and consistency.
  • SQA activities in configuration management include version control, change management, and configuration identification.

6. Defect Tracking and Management

  • SQA involves tracking defects identified during testing and other quality assurance activities and managing them through resolution.
  • Defect tracking includes recording, prioritizing, assigning, and tracking the status of defects to ensure timely resolution and closure.

7. Process Improvement

  • SQA aims to continually improve software development processes to enhance product quality and efficiency.
  • This involves analyzing quality metrics, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing process enhancements.

Q.7 (A) Explain different types of Cohesion.

  • In software engineering, cohesion refers to the degree to which the elements within a module or component are related to each other.
  • Cohesion measures how closely the responsibilities of a module or component are related to each other.
  • There are several types of cohesion, each representing a different level of relationship among the elements within a module. Here are the main types of cohesion:

1. Coincidental Cohesion

  • Coincidental cohesion occurs when elements within a module are grouped together arbitrarily with no meaningful relationship among them.
  • This is the weakest form of cohesion and typically indicates poor design, as the module's responsibilities are not well-defined or cohesive.

2. Logical Cohesion

  • Logical cohesion occurs when elements within a module are grouped together because they perform similar operations or share a common logical function.
  • Although the elements are related conceptually, there may still be unrelated or loosely related responsibilities within the module.

3. Temporal Cohesion

  • Temporal cohesion occurs when elements within a module are grouped together because they are related by the timing of their execution.
  • For example, a module might contain functions that are only executed during initialization or cleanup tasks, but these functions may have different purposes or responsibilities.

4. Procedural Cohesion

  • Procedural cohesion occurs when elements within a module are grouped together because they are related by a sequence of steps in a specific procedure or algorithm.
  • This type of cohesion is common in modules that perform a series of related operations or tasks in a specific order.

5. Communicational Cohesion

  • Communicational cohesion occurs when elements within a module are grouped together because they operate on the same input data or share the same output data.
  • This type of cohesion is often seen in modules that perform multiple operations on the same data structure or dataset.

6. Sequential Cohesion

  • Sequential cohesion occurs when elements within a module are grouped together because they are related by a sequential flow of control.
  • This type of cohesion is similar to procedural cohesion but focuses specifically on the order of execution rather than the procedural steps themselves.

7. Functional Cohesion

  • Functional cohesion is the most desirable type of cohesion.
  • It occurs when elements within a module are grouped together because they contribute to a single, well-defined function or responsibility.
  • Modules with functional cohesion have clear, focused responsibilities, making them easier to understand, maintain, and reuse.

Q.7 (B) What do you understand by Configuration Management?

  • Configuration Management (CM) is a discipline within software engineering that focuses on managing changes to software products,
  • systems, and related documents throughout the software development life cycle.
Configuration management involves the following key aspects:

Version Control

  • Version control, also known as revision control or source control, is a fundamental component of configuration management.
  • It involves tracking and managing changes to source code, documentation, and other artifacts over time.
  • Version control systems (e.g., Git, Subversion) enable developers to collaborate effectively, manage different versions of files, and track the history of changes.

Change Management

  • Change management involves controlling and managing changes to software and related artifacts in a systematic manner.
  • It includes processes for requesting, evaluating, approving, and implementing changes to software products and systems.

Configuration Identification

  • Configuration identification involves uniquely identifying and defining the configuration items (CIs) that make up a software product or system.
  • CIs may include source code files, executable binaries, documentation, libraries, configuration files, and other related artifacts.

Configuration Control

  • Configuration control is the process of controlling changes to configuration items and ensuring that only authorized changes are implemented.
  • It involves establishing change control boards (CCBs) or similar decision-making bodies to review and approve proposed changes.
  • Configuration control helps maintain the stability and reliability of software products by ensuring that changes are properly evaluated and managed.

Configuration Status Accounting

  • Configuration status accounting involves recording and reporting the status and history of configuration items and changes throughout their lifecycle.
  • It provides visibility into the current state of software configurations,
  • including information such as version numbers, release dates, and change histories.

Configuration Auditing

  • Configuration auditing involves reviewing and validating software configurations
  • and associated documentation to ensure compliance with established standards, policies, and procedures.


Q.8 (A) What is software maintenance? Describe different categories of software maintenance.

  • Software maintenance refers to the process of modifying, updating, enhancing,
  • and managing software after it has been delivered to the customer.
  • It encompasses all activities aimed at ensuring that software continues to meet the needs of its users,
  • remains compatible with evolving environments, and remains reliable and efficient over time.
The main categories of software maintenance are

Corrective Maintenance

  • Corrective maintenance involves fixing defects, errors, or problems identified in the software after it has been deployed.
  • It includes activities such as debugging, troubleshooting, and patching to address issues reported by users or discovered during testing.
  • The goal of corrective maintenance is to restore the software to its intended functionality and reliability.

Adaptive Maintenance

  • Adaptive maintenance involves modifying software to accommodate changes in the environment,
  • such as changes to hardware, operating systems, or third-party software components.
  • It includes activities such as updating software to support new hardware platforms,
  • migrating to new operating system versions, or integrating with updated libraries or APIs.

Perfective Maintenance

  • Perfective maintenance involves enhancing or improving the software to add new features, functionalities, or performance optimizations.
  • It includes activities such as adding new modules,
  • enhancing existing features, optimizing algorithms, or improving usability based on user feedback.

Preventive Maintenance

  • Preventive maintenance involves proactively identifying and addressing potential issues or risks in the software to prevent future problems.
  • It includes activities such as refactoring code to improve maintainability,
  • enhancing documentation, conducting code reviews, or implementing additional error checking and validation.

Q.8 (B) Explain Functional Testing with example.

  • Functional testing is basically defined as a type of testing that verifies that
  • each function of the software application works in conformance with the requirement and specification.
  • This testing focuses on checking the user interface, APIs, database, security, client or server application,
  • and functionality of the Application Under Test. Functional testing can be manual or automated.

Functional Test Cases

Verify Product Search Functionality

  • Test Case: Search for a specific product using the search bar.
  • Expected Result: The search results page should display relevant products matching the search query.
  • Example: Search for "iPhone 12" should display iPhone 12 models in the search results.

Verify Add to Cart Functionality

  • Test Case: Add a product to the shopping cart.
  • Expected Result: The product should be added to the cart, and the cart icon should display the correct count of items.
  • Example: Clicking the "Add to Cart" button for a product should add it to the cart, and the cart icon should update to show the total number of items.

Q.9 (A) Explain maintenance tools and its techniques.

  • Maintenance tools and techniques refer to the various tools and methods
  • used by software maintenance teams to manage and perform maintenance activities effectively.
  • These tools and techniques help streamline the maintenance process, track changes, etc. Here are some common maintenance tools and techniques:

Version Control Systems (VCS)

  • Version control systems, such as Git, Subversion (SVN) are essential tools for managing changes to source code and other project files.
  • VCS allows developers to track changes, collaborate on code, and revert to previous versions if needed.

Issue Tracking Systems

  • Issue tracking systems, such as JIRA, Bugzilla, and Trello, are used to manage and track defects,
  • enhancements, and other tasks throughout the software maintenance life cycle.
  • These systems allow teams to report issues, assign tasks, prioritize work, and track the status of ongoing maintenance activities.

Automated Testing Tools

  • Automated testing tools, such as Selenium, JUnit, and Postman, help
  • automate the execution of tests to validate the functionality, performance, and reliability of software systems.
  • Automated tests can be used for regression testing, integration testing,
  • unit testing, and other types of testing to ensure that changes do not introduce new defects or regressions.

Code Analysis Tools

  • Code analysis tools, such as SonarQube, FindBugs, and PMD, analyze source code to identify potential defects,
  • security vulnerabilities, coding standards violations, and performance issues.
  • These tools help maintain code quality, identify areas for improvement, and ensure compliance with coding standards and best practices.

Code Review Tools

  • Code review tools, such as GitHub Pull Requests, Bitbucket Code Review, and Crucible,
  • facilitate code reviews by providing a platform for reviewing, commenting, and discussing code changes.
  • Code reviews help maintain code quality, share knowledge among team members
  • and ensure that changes are aligned with coding standards and design principles.

Q.9 (B) Explain Structural Testing using example.

  • Structural testing, also known as white-box testing or glass-box testing, is a
  • software testing technique that focuses on testing the internal structure of the software application.
  • It involves examining the code structure, control flow, and data flow to ensure that all paths and conditions are tested thoroughly.
  • Structural testing aims to uncover defects in the implementation of the
  • software, such as logic errors, boundary cases, and missing or incorrect code.
  • Example: Calculator Application
  • Scenario: Let's consider a simple calculator application that performs basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Structural Testing Techniques

Statement Coverage

  • Statement coverage involves testing each statement in the code at least once.
  • Example: In the calculator application, we can create test cases to ensure
  • that every line of code in the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division functions is executed.

Branch Coverage

  • Branch coverage involves testing all possible branches or decision points in the code.
  • Example: In the calculator application, we can create test cases to cover different scenarios,
  • such as positive and negative numbers, zero values, and edge cases, for each arithmetic operation.

Example Test Cases

Addition Function

  • Test Case 1: Test addition of two positive integers (e.g., 5 + 3).
  • Test Case 2: Test addition of two negative integers (e.g., -5 + (-3)).
  • Test Case 3: Test addition of a positive integer and zero (e.g., 5 + 0).
  • Test Case 4: Test addition of a positive integer and a negative integer (e.g., 5 + (-3)).
  • Test Case 5: Test addition of two large integers to check for overflow.

Subtraction Function

  • Test Case 1: Test subtraction of two positive integers (e.g., 5 - 3).
  • Test Case 2: Test subtraction of two negative integers (e.g., -5 - (-3)).
  • Test Case 3: Test subtraction of a positive integer and zero (e.g., 5 - 0).
  • Test Case 4: Test subtraction of a positive integer and a negative integer (e.g., 5 - (-3)).
  • Test Case 5: Test subtraction of two large integers to check for overflow.